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Preschool Emotional Literacy Awareness, Inc.

Est. 2013 as a Florida based Nonprofit

About Us

Preschool Emotional Literacy Awareness, Inc.

(Founded: Feb. 7, 2013 - IRS Determination Date: June 19, 2013)

We are quite humbled and proud to announce, effective June 19, 2013, we received our "expedited" IRS issued Letter of Determination for our 501(c)3 Public Charity status.

 Now the real work continues, e.g., 1. raising funds to properly launch our unique programs for America's children and 2. forming significant funding relationships.

We deliberately waited almost 10 years before we even accepted a single donation, i.e., recently we accepted some in kind help (goods and services) to get set up for this launch. Why you ask? Our research has shown that too many nonprofits start out with big dreams and soon fail to achieve their mission, meanwhile they take in donations (too soon, before they have a viable plan) and end up using those dollars on administrative needs NOT their mission (our entire Board and Advisors consist of accomplished volunteers). We opted NOT to rush - we wanted to wait until we were truly READY for a viable launch, i.e., had all of our vendors, contacts, facts and research in place - a plan that will make the impact we expect nationally.

PELA's mission is to place a minimum of 100,000 Emotion Play Centers in commercial and home daycares/preschools over the next 10 years through a combination of Business Donor marketing efforts (businesses adopt preschools in their community) and direct donations by community agencies responsible for overseeing licensed facilities, etc.

 PELA's mission of the promotion of Preschool Emotional Literacy Awareness, for which we are actively seeking a national sponsor and spokesperson, is finally starting to gain acceptance.

Contact us for more information: